_________________________________________________________________________________________ Time Stamp June 18, 2024 10:37 MST GMT +3 All jar2 sites and resources are completely under my control including temporal resources and servers. We survived the taking down of our ISP and other major attacks. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Time Stamp April 30, 2024 16:08 MST GMT +3 All jar2 sites and resources are completely under my control including temporal resources and servers. LULZ MAJOR FUCK YOUS GO OUT TO ALL OF THE MOTHERFUCKING SCUM WHOSE RACIST ATTACKS ON ME AND MY PERSON KILLED HUNDREDS OF SERVICEMEN!!! YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!! FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOU AGAIN YOU MOTHER FUCKING SCUM SUCKING FUCKS!!! End of Message _________________________________________________________________________________________ Time Stamp February 11, 2023 08:32 MST GMT +3 All jar2 sites and resources are completely under my control including temporal resources and servers. I know you are reading this. Thank you. http://www.jar2.com/Files/Russia/Russian_Insurance.zip My insurance file was released without my approval and then he refused to take it down. http://www.jar2.com/Files/INSURANCE_22_YEARS.zip.sda.zip Will not link to it as it was manipulated As it is the time of the Great Revealing, I felt it to be an appropriate time to release this. Someone in the Kremlin seems to have been hiding the truth from Putin. I've heard it (the content of the zip) was delivered by hand to the Kremlin. And that the official at the Kremlin said in the live reception - QUOTE: "We do not read books." Maybe they will read it now. Is Snowden helping the CIA hiding money to pay the Russian opposition? _________________________________________________________________________________________ Time Stamp November 24, 2021 05:39 MST GMT +3 All jar2 sites and resources are completely under my control including temporal resources and servers. I know you are reading this. Thank you. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Time Stamp September 21, 2021 14:39 MST GMT +3 All jar2 sites and resources are completely under my control including temporal resources and servers. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Time Stamp May 06, 2021 16, 2020 04:19 MST GMT +3 All jar2 sites and resources are completely under my control including temporal resources and servers. The years of ongoing physical targetting have disappeared as well as the on-line operations ending with my being deleted from CIA Front WikiPedia. All resources including SSL Certificates are now 100% Russia based. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Time Stamp January 16, 2021 04:19 MST GMT +3 We are being attacked 24/7 from all sides. After the deletion by WikiPedia of my page the CIA and their Globalist MOSSAD/Sayanim filth think everyone has forgotten about me and they can proceed to finish me off. Chrome and Soros funded Mozilla deprecated JAR2 labelling it as a security risk and literally blocking the site at the Browser level. The demand was to update our encryption which at great expense and work we have done for actually NO reason. We do not store, share por provide ANY user entered data whatsoever. We do not even have a comments function due to the security risks as we are being attack non-stop 24/7. I am here and this is me and I am in control. LULZ to U all _________________________________________________________________________________________ Time Stamp April 19, 2020 13:53 MST GMT +3 I know I should have written earlier but I was not exactly sure as to the nature of the threat that I was facing as I am not with the real world machinations that are going on against me and my family. After all is said and done I do believe I scraped by an attempt to hijack JAR2.com. They were preparing to do so in June but I caught them off guard by uncharacteristically prolonging the domain 2 months early. Without going into details my Russian provider could no longer prolong my domain jar2.com, the official REGISTRAR of which was TUCOWS, without my transferring the domain to them. TUCOWS being in Canada would (could) have then demanded documents, proof of residence, etc and very easily blocked the domain. TUCOWS has been the REGISTRAR for over 10 years but the RUSSIAN company was able to prolong. Being as I can not even register on CISCO's site for a course with my real name as it is blocked by default thanks to the fucking FBI and their God damned secret National Security Letters, I am certain had I not trasferred the domain to my wonderful RUSSIAN provider I would have eventually lost it for "Content Violations", "Not keeping with our polices", etc. That was the only string I had left attaching me to the fucking West and it has been cut and I am extremely glad. The only problem was the 5th column here in Russia. However we are ready for those fucking scum. As you may have figured out we have now cut all ties with the United Thanks go out to Sweden for the continued support. _________________________________________________________________________________________ April 17, 2020 VK message Dear 2 Cows, Thank you for the years of solid and real support. We have had to say good bye to the CORPORATION of which CANADA continues to be a client. CANADA'S limited recognition of the SOVEREIGN is laudable and your support of TRUTH applaudable but points of convergence while almost unfathomable are witness to an incestuous and duplicitous symbiotic inter-connectivity which coupled with multiple instances of even passive collusion in GENOCIDE including the current CV-19 transfer, is beyond the pale. 2 COWS is now one COW as I am of the belief that the case may be. Good luck and again thank you and may the DEEP TRUTH prevail. I am grateful 2 U DUDE. Good Luck! JAR2/Interceptor369 P.S. Remember the LULZ All resources under my control. LULZ Preceding the move on April 12 was this message on VK to Edward Greenberg Dear, VERAX (Snowden/Greenberg/House of Rockefeller) now that President Putin cut off the CIA/911/Cabal cash flows out of Russia WTF are you gonna do with no PRIMARY MISSION? Stick around and concentrate on SECONDARIES and try to finish us off? Or perhaps I was your PRIMARY from the word go? Well come on biatch. Let's do it. Not much time left for you. No cheese around, so time to slit throats. - INTERCEPT _________________________________________________________________________________________ Time Stamp New February 07, 2020 05:40 MST GMT +3 I have lost almost all contact with ALL supporters except for the Swedes (You know who you are) a couple of the last remining hackers in the world who have been forced to go so far off the grid that facilitating any contact is almost a miracle. Russia recently spread a news item that they are going to look at a law that would criminalize sharing certain kinds of links. This is INSANE. That is how it started in the USA. This must not ever happen. So far we have had a free Internet in Russia. Let's not let that happen IF you check this I am here for you _________________________________________________________________________________________ 09 26 2019 Dear readers, I have been extremely busy behind the scenes working on a new release and the waves are already being felt. If I die in the next few days it WAS NOT SUICIDE COMPLETE INSURANCE PGP Self-Extracting Archive https://yadi.sk/d/zvMgZf7VkL6NWw https://yadi.sk/d/NcFjK3lcYsNVbg https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uowJpfYCD_cNidLkeFiU3oAPTJ4CeUJe/view?usp=sharing Old INSURANCE FILE https://yadi.sk/d/xPOpiq7r3Z8b7J https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NVhvuyvJpDZRxK4bUpdaPO6InkwV8cV1?usp=sharing Logged on from PC, Location Bunker, Static IP Showing Chekhov, Russian Federation All JAR2 infrastructure currently under my complete control. END ___________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT: Contact me with personal messages if needed to this PGP key. Download PGP 6.5.8 freeware to communicate or send information. The encrypted self-extracting archive is safe for sending documents and files. Send submissions to jar2@jar2.com ftp://www.jar2.com/Programs-Computer%20Related/Programs/PGP.zip -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use mQGiBEoi528RBADFmJy8cWfM6kFjjK8zL7LJDwQ7/6eck4OLgrEe9XkMm/ADB0ye dnNNczRf0sBK9dauARoXQcZNdKwFDBr8KxrBbIeCzy41AW6un+x5n/tORl4H2/HR Jul+aItFNp+KAbepVyOFwGEXRXTQ3ONBNZAV/3+mfCksZTmniml96Q7Q8QCg/y7X I3Ypsp1TFkCHJNyMRSZgSNUEAMCqCI+L59L+Bzb0+K9y03LfVEN5aOpwp7UOUf6m SVpEVNfy81R5O6NmD/Lv77FGF3cum0phyOBrdDL/eGELu07B6zmtxR4dD2RLzZWT ODQkL1Eiac/YIxn5P86q5QfCHzUKLVCGpksl68ueMEw3TYEKmeaCNFGrmBb/CuRr QV4pA/9LS5ZD6srxVrO0NJo2qXQYWUldb+uGJbdFf0uI1qS10zwDohSx/WFPnmSX iJ7SzPAHtbq5rF2nJxLERCNabMKzzCRcruPZJWgUfwGI0NXcHNSLZkjlc/5q2TVW Cg+MNh8yB+doPAIcJW1CcD+j7ec9Tz4QCsX26VK/CoXrna8eaLQlSm9obiBBbnRo b255IFJvYmxlcyBJSSA8amFyMkBsaXN0LnJ1PokATgQQEQIADgUCSiLnbwQLAwIB AhkBAAoJEPLitlrTv7z+AfwAoMuSF2wlmDPSesDTedEpPkcC9NKxAKD9hgLza1I7 nRtCzDM34FsrOn32qYkARgQQEQIABgUCSiLnqQAKCRDVtacenulUyZRjAJ9P+56m 2uHJCJdtjjuXaTPmS7H1RgCgvlP2LVJywlHkKzQZhuJ79EwKWrK5BA0ESiLnbxAQ APkYoH5aBmF6Q5CV3AVsh4bsYezNRR8O2OCjecbJ3HoLrOQ/40aUtjBKU9d8AhZI gLUV5SmZqZ8HdNP/46HFliBOmGW42A3uEF2rthccUdhQyiJXQym+lehWKzh4XAvb +ExN1eOqRsz7zhfoKp0UYeOEqU/Rg4Soebbvj6dDRgjGzB13VyQ4SuLE8OiOE2eX TpITYfbb6yUOF/32mPfIfHmwch04dfv2wXPEgxEmK0Ngw+Po1gr9oSgmC66prrNl D6IAUwGgfNaroxIe+g8qzh90hE/K8xfzpEDp19J3tkItAjbBJstoXp18mAkKjX4t 7eRdefXUkk+bGI78KqdLfDL2Qle3CH8IF3KiutapQvMF6PlTETlPtvFuuUs4INoB p1ajFOmPQFXz0AfGy0OplK33TGSGSfgMg71l6RfUodNQ+PVZX9x2Uk89PY3bzpnh V5JZzf24rnRPxfx2vIPFRzBhznzJZv8V+bv9kV7HAarTW56NoKVyOtQa8L9GAFgr 5fSI/VhOSdvNILSd5JEHNmszbDgNRR0PfIizHHxbLY7288kjwEPwpVsYjY67VYy4 XTjTNP18F1dDox0YbN4zISy1Kv884bEpQBgRjXyEpwpy1obEAxnIByl6ypUM2Zaf q9AKUJsCRtMIPWakXUGfnHy9iUsiGSa6q6Jew1XrPdYXAAICEADcfMGJBfgvIkJz Gd09S9LfFVSC8Vq7RwPSp0S0ujtN7s6qqTouyWQHHMdVCEeJux2+hiCNyB4BCTZm HZ/NWNAL5CsXnaZvlCvaPA2MCEx87y881j+Xy8iMiIdrQJswqfX857uXDo1/OzJ2 sCacaml3iqE/le/9T34PjxeqOSITrPiyrqrxeDKP3qpijflTRlUnAT5/3zhafhWC ZNlQMiwFHpj3yhmrXTCaWhqQgZ5jACvsV0oGkJl++ZX/Y8yn1bJ3zXomwWoN2BRU uHppZDhcqf1F/2TWr90VRyJlxuaIFSIstVcnX86NpdZbEw6I9uCLFVvLX/Fk/UXO w3TTJaOfKjCbGVteBvoviwG3xb7rNemxb8hVhaY9Jp+2H7XOtgqXm5io27vzWWvZ gbdGl63p0m8BOIZBRvdqNHe3J/L1B2y2AxT/iweBiJqpicJj/qr/3iGwH74cc7lS 2J755hxstbo7totCj8SH/PMq4Inpw4JB8zbZdqMfuGExuUEHfomjlE/rsaWzzDM4 bUIi5ks9ExSr7ecwkB/AAe7v4H/WikpKSGj7CFm6i9MjSgyWYLaIp4cr0q4ms3IS +JZubivg/McEDvA1bmfLuC4nuh62zEtSwm9mKJ/2N0EsSaKNt9tiMMADGmranZCC yJwnj3c8fHb3LQiR+QKDaczC9+H2cIkARgQYEQIABgUCSiLnbwAKCRDy4rZa07+8 /rrEAKChIkyWx9LWJGCxwFxW57rOA+LKpwCfRBFaDkOMM6sZDZa4E0OQls3Gk4Y= =ss9m -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- MESSAGE